Tuesday 18 November 2008

Whatever happened to RSI?

It doesn't seem so very long again that we couldn't open a newspaper or listen to the news on radio or television with hearing the latest horrors of RSI - repetitive strain injury. This, it seemed, was largely caused by sitting at a computer keyboard or a games console for hour upon hour, constantly repeating the same movement and thereby causing muscle strain. All sorts of gadgets were produced, each of which was, according to the manufacturer, the solution to almost all of the ills of mankind.

We never seem to hear of RSI now - and I bet all those gizmos have been thrown out of the window. Maybe it was all just a fashion statement.


(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

For a second there, I thought you were going to post about stocks and Relative Strength Index or Roofing, Siding and Insulation.

Brighton Pensioner said...

But I don't have any strong relatives.