Saturday 8 June 2013

"Yesterday . . .

. . . all my troubles seemed so far away."  If only!  That may well have been the case with the Beatles but not me; yesterday all my troubles seemed right on top of me.  OK, so it was a day of frustrations rather than troubles.  Being Friday, the Old Bat had a session booked at the MS treatment centre for hyperbaric oxygen treatment.  This involves sitting in what is basically a diving bell for an hour breathing oxygen pumped in at pressure.  For some reason, the session overran by half an hour so although I had finished the supermarket run in plenty of time, I had to kick my heels for about 3/4 of an hour, which meant that I had no time to switch on the computer before lunch.  (Yesterday's post had been written and scheduled the day before.)

We arrived home to find the post had been delivered, including a letter from my doctor's surgery telling me they had the result of my recent bone scan and asking me to make an appointment with the doctor who referred me to discuss this.  I don't actually like the doctor who referred me and I rather suspect I'm not alone in that as when I rang to make an appointment I was offered a choice of three times yesterday afternoon.  That never happens with "my" doctor.

As I switched on the computer later in the afternoon, the phone rang.  But the extension in the office packed up and by the time I got downstairs to the main phone, a message was being left on the answering machine.  But I somehow cut off the message and failed to speak to the caller.  Luckily, I recognised the voice so was able to call Pete back and he told me that one of the charter night menus had the name spelt incorrectly (his fault) and as it was the Mayor's consort, was there any chance of a reprint?

My computer was able to let me do that, but could I access the internet?  Could I heck!  Somehow it transpired that I could read my emails, but there was no way I could get onto Blogger - or my bank's web site where I wanted to transact business.  Somewhere along the line I diagnosed the problem with the phone as being rechargeable batteries that had failed to recharge and after a bit of scrabbling around I managed to locate a couple of replacements which did start charging up.

So, off to the doctor, who informed me that my bone density is low and I apparently have osteopenia, which he told me is a sort of halfway stage between "normal" and osteoporosis.  He prescribed calcium and vitamin D tablets, one to be taken twice a day.  On top of the statins prescribed by "my" doctor earlier in the week as my cholesterol level is high, partly as a result of the rheumatoid arthritis.  So, since Tuesday, I have switched to semi-skimmed milk (and I much prefer the full cream version), cut out cheese (and I do like my Cheddar) and switched to a margarine-type spread instead of butter.  But if all this keeps me on top of the turf for a while longer I suppose it might be worthwhile.  While I was picking up my new medication I also bought a battery charger in the hope (probably a vain one) that I can avoid future problems with the phone.


Brighton Lions Club charter night tonight, the club's official birthday party.  When I joined the club all those years ago it was expected that gentlemen would wear dinner jackets and ladies posh frocks.  It is still the case that most of the men wear DJs rather than lounge suits, but cocktail dresses are usually worn by the ladies.  It is an evening of speeches and toasts after dinner and before the dancing starts.  The programme is:

The Loyal Toast, proposed by the President.

The President then proposes the toast to Lions Clubs International and District 105SE - but makes no speech at this point.  The response to the toast is from the District Governor, who concludes by proposing a toast to Brighton Lions Club.  The President responds, and this is her opportunity to make a speech.

Then one of the Lions proposes the toast to the City of Brighton and Hove, the ladies and our guests (we are still sufficiently politically incorrect to include "the ladies") and there follows a speech in response from the Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Brighton and Hove.  Last year I was asked to propose this toast but fortunately I have no speech to make tonight.


I had occasion to make a trip into Hove (that's the posh part of the City of Brighton and Hove) in the week and I walked down George Street where I took this phot of what was at one time the Hove fire station.  That, presumably, was in the days of horse-drawn fire tenders.  The old coat of arms of the Borough of Hove is proudly displayed.


Buck said...

So, since Tuesday, I have switched to semi-skimmed milk (and I much prefer the full cream version), cut out cheese (and I do like my Cheddar) and switched to a margarine-type spread instead of butter.

We have like tastes. I live in (minor) fear of being told I have to give up those things I love, but like you... I would do it if required.

Except for beer. ;-)

Brighton Pensioner said...

As I don't drink beer (except for an occasional shandy in hot weather), that would be no problem. But wine . . .