Friday 20 February 2015

Raining morons

It's raining again - and has been pretty much all day, although I only got damp when I walked the dog after breakfast.  But today is Friday, and Friday has its associated rituals and routines.  Having walked the dog, I have just enough time to swallow most of a cup of coffee before we head off for the MS Treatment centre for the Old Bat to enjoy her hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  While she is in the chamber I try to dodge the doddery old fools who insist on blocking the aisles in the nearest but one supermarket.

But it was raining this morning.  Just what is it about rain that brings out the hidden moron in so many drivers?  And not only drivers; pedestrians are fifty times more likely to step into the road without looking  on mornings like today.

Added to that, it's half-term, so not only were there elderly and doddery trolley pushers in the supermarket, but also deranged mothers with fractious children.

But such is life.


Sophie said...

Probably they are like mushrooms and grow in a wet environment....
I also notice sometimes that I have loads of strange, bad tempered costumours on some days, especially round full moon. But sometimes I just think somebody somewhere opened a new bag of unfriendly people and let them loose...

Brighton Pensioner said...

Hi, Sophie, and thanks for dropping in. A "a new bag of unfriendly people"; yep, I like that thought!